

good evening

Prof. Yaron Ziv.


I write these lines with feelings of appreciation and respect.


This is Bakal Ilana,

I've been participating in the relationship talk group for about a year.


In preparation for the promotion of the marital awareness project and the lectures in the field, I thank you.

I warmly recommend and am happy for the very opportunity I was given to be part of this group.

The lectures and studying in Zoom with a facilitator like you, quality with sensitivity, with a safe and pleasant atmosphere that allows openness and in-depth study.

All lectures are fascinating and inspiring.

It's a gift.

The study is significant, providing important tools and strengths in the marital system, improving communication between couples and other important issues.

The content, the knowledge and personal experience and the quality of the instruction is commendable.

Interesting and fascinating professional.

We learned that a relationship is a function of antipathy, that each and every one is whole and not perfect and to feel whole by virtue of myself.

There is a difference between loneliness and loneliness, to respect the difference

more and more.....

Thank you from the bottom of my heart


Bakal Ilana.

Hi Yaron

Meetings with you on Zoom had and still have great meaning!

Help, clarification, and different thinking. A different view and perspective. Suggestions how

improve the existing and help with difficulties,

With tolerance and understanding, explanation and clarification.

You brought up a number of very important topics, some of which I will mention: chapter 2 on relationships, image and self-worth, courtship, jealousy, quarrels and reconciliation, emphasis on the third age, the relationship with the extended family and more.

Your lectures are detailed and exhaustive, full of clear examples.

Thank you very much Hagar.

I wanted to thank you and share with you that I am eagerly waiting for your next lecture..

Every time you choose a topic that accurately touches the lives of all of us.

Presents to us a different point of view from how we look, examine and react to things..

You communicate things clearly and eloquently and this is how we come out profitable in our relationships with our spouses.. the children.. at work and even with ourselves.

And that's the kind of thing you tell yourself

"Too bad I didn't know before"

I'm sure if I had known these things years before, many frictions and separations would have been avoided.

So thank you for the initiative and contribution to society..

And hope that your teachings will reach as many wrong souls as possible..👏

Thank you 💓


A story about passion and professional enrichment...

For several months now, I have been teaching a group of male and female casualty officers as part of a training course for guiding groups that I am coordinating at the Foreign Studies Unit of Ariel University.

It's an inspiring and interesting meeting in which these officers, who deal with the daily routine in the fields of loss, bereavement and trauma, are exposed to new content worlds for them that include the basics of the practice of group facilitation. I, for my part, was exposed to first-class professionals engaged in such significant and sensitive work. A good and enlightening experience that brings me together with senior officers and with a unique organizational system. About that maybe on another occasion.

I recently decided to enrich them in two sessions with Dr. Yaron Ziv, a qualified therapist and group leader.

Until now, I only knew Yaron through the articles he wrote, centered on the book "Group Journey", examining the Bible in the field of working with groups. My students are exposed from the first year to chapters from Dr. Ziv's book, which are written in clear and practical language. I was so excited to meet the persona and to be impressed by his qualities, his extensive professional experience, his ability to create an immediate working alliance with the group, and above all his passion, yes simply great passion. How exciting to see a person who is in love with what he does, who understands groups and quickly recognizes group dynamics, and whose knowledge is rich and varied and corresponds with the Gestalt approach, cognitive-behavioral therapy and the field of education.


How enviable (positive of course: ) to meet an experienced person like Yaron who had the privilege of meeting the best teachers and therapists, such as Prof. Viktor Frankl, Dr. Albert Ellis, Dr. Aaron Beck and Prof. Milton Erickson, authorities of knowledge that I learned only through Their writings...

Thank you, dear Yaron, for the work at eye level, for the unique human connections you create, and for the in-depth learning you imparted to us.


Dear Yaron

After a long period of time in which I have been participating in the "relationship talk" zoom meetings that you hold, I want to share with you the value that these meetings represent for me!

As a therapist, with many years of experience, in couples and alone, these meetings help me refresh the theoretical knowledge from the personal angle that you contribute to this knowledge!

The topics of the important meetings, which you choose, invite an opportunity for me to look at the topic and its manifestations in my patients...

Also, naturally the participation makes me reflect personally and not only professionally!

In conclusion, dear Yaron, I hope that you will continue to share with us your overwhelming journey, for many years to come, in your testimony, and in your broad experience and to make a contribution that is so meaningful to all of us... Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sonny Bennett

Thanks to Prof. Yaron Ziv

Dear Yaron,

After more than 50 years of marriage, we still find great interest in the weekly meetings, which have been going on for over a year and a half, on the subject of marriage.

The combination of theory with practical advice is very enriching, and in every meeting we get some tip that helps overcome bumps.

We learned about Sternberg's triangle of love, coordinating expectations, developing self-awareness, tools to prevent burnout and the main thing is to accept our partner as he is, after we have learned to accept ourselves. Also use constructive criticism and positive feedback. We sharpened the importance of apologizing and asking for forgiveness when necessary, and being assertive in the necessary cases. Using these insights, we strengthened the positive communication between us.

All of which cultivate a healthy relationship based on love, space and communication (AMT).

You gave all this with love, at the expense of your free time and without compensation, in order to promote the issue of healthy relationships.

For all of which we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, with appreciation and appreciation Avinon Ella and Shmuel

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