Do you know these masterpieces that are made up of small and tiny particles, such as: a puzzle that is made up of thousands of pieces, a work of art that is made up of matches or thin iron wires?
Even a piano concerto consisting of thousands of notes or a best-selling book consisting of thousands of words?
Ready for the next masterpiece?
The one that consists of a father of three children, a social worker (three Master's degrees), a doctor of psychology and a doctor of education, an organizational consultant, a movement therapist, a group leader, an active OSHO meditation leader, a Gestalt therapist, a cognitive behavioral therapist, a dynamically focused psychotherapist.
Two deep breaths and we're back...
Participant of the radio program "Both of us together and each one separately" on the meaning of dreams, supervisor of Aran volunteers, director of a school for training coaches and therapists in the Gestalt method in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, India, Cape Town, South Africa and leads awareness groups through movement and music in the Biodance method.
In between there are also hobbies: playing the accordion, a ballroom dancer for 15 years and an amateur pilot of light aircraft for 20 years, a public messenger and a man of prayer who reads the Torah and blows the shofar on the terrible days.
This work is called: Prof. Yaron Ziv, a man who never rests for a moment and certainly does not freeze in his tracks.
He will present the most burning topics such as: behavior in groups, relationship and career to you in an enlarged and updated edition, whether in workshops, lectures or in an individual counseling session.
They say that the man of the century is the man of opinion?
Sometimes the owner of the opinion is the owner of the desire to share it.
Talk to Prof. Yaron Ziv, he will be happy to share a lot of his knowledge with you.
Website creation: WebWeCAN • Graphic design: Tami Amron • Marketing writing: Dafna Mor Cup of copy